Persons at MENDELU

This page displays all publicly accessible information about the desired person. Some information about the person's occupation and offices may be hidden.

Ing. Eva Spěváková
Identification number: 4091
University e-mail: eva.spevakova [at]
Faculty Registrar - Deans Office of the Faculty of Horticulture (FH)
Projektový manažer - senior - Department of Planting Design and Maintenance (FH)
Registrar - Faculty of Horticulture
External Access - Rector's Office (MENDELU)


The Office phone number and Office number items are set by the OSSA at your department or the system integrator.

User forwards the university mail to a different address (distribution server office365).
Office phone number:+420 519 367 223
Office address: DOH FH, Valtická 337, 69144 Lednice,
DPDM FH, Valtická 337, 69144 Lednice
Office number:LB07N2010 (Led-C2.10)
E-mail:eva.spevakova [at]

User information in vCard formatUser information in vCard format